Tuesday, August 3, 2010

6X6 #6 Disaster: A Bad Star Rises

From Moment Magnitude by Chris Basmajian

Are we tired of bad news from the bad stars, the disasters that surround us, remind us of our doom, our frailty, and our helpless stupidity? Really, what can art do in the face of so much? Come on down to the Ciné Lab on Wednesday August 4 at 7 pm, get a beverage, and let 6X6 Disaster curator Lauren Fancher read your horoscope. Thoughtful, strange, personal, and provocative, the selected works include videos from California, Sweden, and Texas, the music of the Athens band Ranch, and the return of Sabrina Cuadra and Christopher Childs. It's the last of the first series, which will return from hiatus in October, and it's the time to award the UGA Student Prize (a Flip video camera) for participation, valor, and the ability to capture the attention of the 6X6 coordinator. Contenders include Denton Crawford, Brian Hitselberger, Lindsey Klonosky, Ted Kuhn, Sarah Laurentius, Dan Osborne, Rob Peterson, and Justin Plakas. It's written in the stars...

About The Curator: Lauren Fancher has a background in studio art (BFA, UGA) and instructional technology (MEd, UGA), and currently has a focus on interactive design and digital media. She is active in the instructional technology, library, and digital arts communities as a writer, presenter, and artist, as well as serving as the coordinator of the 6X6 Media Arts Events series held at the Ciné Lab in Athens. She really appreciates everybody who has participated and hopes to have more fun with 6X6 in the coming year. More about Lauren Fancher...

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